
Candles in

The candle is the virtual currency of

Burning candles on
You can burn a maximum of 5 candles, the others wait until they turn. A candle burns for 24 hours.

Why do you need candles on

The user has the opportunity to decorate and acknowledge a previously designed memorial, memorial page or gravesite by using candles.

What do the candles offer on

The primary significance of candles is that you can light them. By lighting of one or several candles it is possible to let the previously designed memorial, memorial page or gravesite shine. In this way, you can show your appreciation of the memory of a deceased person or animal and pay your respect.

How do candles work on

In order to light candles you have to register. A lit candle burns for a maximum of 24 hours and can be lit in any desired memorial, memorial page or in any gravesite. The intensity of the shine increases with the lighting of each additional candle. At the most, 5 candles can burn at the same time. During 24 hours at least one or at the most 5 candles burn per memorial, memorial page or gravesite. However, it is possible to add additional candles to a queue which automatically start burning or shining after the last candles have burned out.

Where can the candles be found in

After registration with, a page in the ‘profile’ of the respective user can be opened where the candles can be purchased.